An AI Wallet in WhatsApp and Telegram

An AI Wallet in WhatsApp and Telegram

January 10, 2020

If you are reading this article chances are you are among the billion-plus persons who use WhatsApp. To send messages, make phone calls, share videos, and voice notes. Cool technology.

Well, another cool technology which is also gaining users rapidly and within the same space is the Chatbot.

Think of booking an airline flight without having to speak to an individual, or paying someone from your bank account without going into the bank or writing a cheque.

It’s done in a matter of seconds from your smartphone.

Think of booking an airline flight without having to speak to an individual, or paying someone from your bank account without going into the bank or writing a cheque.

It’s done in a matter of seconds from your smartphone.

Welcome, Using Artificial Intelligence a team of bright technology developers has created a Chatbot which works on the WhatsApp platform and requires no third-party installation.

The current Chatbot offers utilities for individuals, groups and community managers.

Founded on the cryptocurrency and blockchain space, Gaby bot already delivers utilities such as price and market information and polling.

Price and market information is another — Get updates and market information. As simple as it sounds our members love using it not only for checking prices of any cryptocurrency but also to engage in group conversation when using the Gaby bot information utility as a conversation starter.

(For example, a member may show the current price of tokens and coin and start a discussion about the project, the trade opportunity or anything else related to the information posted). It also provides around the clock global news which you might not find in one space.

Poll — Starting a community poll is a great way to enhance members’ engagement in the community and all without leaving the chat. Any member may create a poll and share it with the groups. Members may also forward the poll to other groups and get sentiments from one or many communities. The Gaby bot helps in the community management and using the poll utilities administrators can initiate voting on questions as discussions arise in the community.

Account — Each member has an account on the gaby network. This account is connected to members’ wallets and allows for transactions between members. There are endless opportunities to be discovered. Here are just a few :

In-chain tipping where members can tip each other (for good content or advice) is another great option. There could be community-shared contracts to facilitate arbitrage opportunities and group buying power.

And there is more. You are welcome to join for free (use the Whatsapp link below from your mobile phone).

Some utilities will always be free while others will require the member to hold a “stake” in the form of gaby tokens. In the following articles we will be exploring the Gaby dashboard where community members may use their own tokens to conduct internal transactions.

Try for yourself:


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