Captivate, Convert and Connect with Crypto

All-in-one platform powering the world’s best crypto communities.
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Alty comes with powerful community management tools for chat admins and leaders - making it easier than ever to create and run these groups.

We’ll Launch a controlled and easy Member Onboarding Process.

We’ll Perform polls in your chat groups (no limit to the number of polls).

We’ll conduct KYC directly in chat.

We’ll Produce user engagement reports.


We’ll leverage the power of Alty's chatbot and communities to grow your community.

Incentivize members to share content by demonstrating the tipping function in a chatgroup.

Give members FREE FIO addresses.

Get and use a custom FIO domain

Receive exclusive airdrops/presales from the Alty Network

Publicize the group to the Alty Network on the Communities Portal


Alty provides governance and financial tools to crypto communities, enabling them to offer DeFi services & perks such as trading tokens, staking in liquidity pools, and access to lending products, which are both easy to use and low cost.

With Alty, you easily manage and charge subscription fees and create business collaborations that are relevant to your audience and fit your community vibe.
Get Started

More than 500 crypto communities trust Alty

“There's nothing like seeing the positive reaction to the bot for the first time when a new crypto enthusiast is added to the group chat”
- George Moses Omega

Take your community to the next level with Alty

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